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Exchange THE END

Aquest intercanvi ha sigut un dels millor moments de les nostres vides. Hem fet moltes coses i molts amics que no hauríem fet sense l’intercanvi. Hem gaudit de la seva companyia cada dia, passant-nos-ho bé a les nostres cases i en el nostre temps lliure. Un dels millors moments amb ells va ser a la festa a casa de la Maria.

Hem visitat Barcelona amb ells i, encara que hi haguem estat moltes vegades, hem descobert llocs nous, i hem fet moltes fotos que podeu veure a l’instagram de l’escola.

Va ser molt trist quan van marxar perquè hem tingut molt bona relació; però amb sort tindrem l’oportunitat de veure’ls alguna altra vegada. Tot plegat: una experiència inoblidable..


The exchange has been one of the best moments in our lives. We have done lots of things and made lots of new friends who if not we wouldn’t have made without this unique experience. We enjoyed their company every minute of their stay; having fun at home and in our spare time. One of the highlights was the party at Maria’s home.

We visited all Barcelona with them and, even though we have been there so many times, we discovered new places. Obviously, we took lots of photos. (Instagram)

It was really sad and hard when they had to go because all had got along so well. But hopefully, we will have the chance to meet them again one day.