Batxillerat DUAL
La nostra experiència durant el Batxillerat DUAL, ha sigut molt enriquidora. Ens ha donat l’oportunitat de conèixer una nova manera de treballar i de fer la feina i a l’hora ens ha proporcionat una immersió lingüística al 100%.
Hem pogut fer assignatures que el sistema espanyol no ens hagués permès cursar com per exemple: “Life Management Skills” , “US History” o “Criminology”, entre moltes altres.
Hem pogut conèixer molta gent a través de les “live sessions” on el professor explica el temai on podem mantenir debats entre nosaltres.
Pensem, tots quatre, que tot i que representa bastant feina estem molt agraïts d’haver pogut gaudir d’aquesta oportunitat.
Our experience with Batxillerat DUAL(American High School Diploma) has been an enriching one. It has given us the chance to know and experiment with a new way of working and has provided us with a complete linguistic immersion. In addition to this, we were able to take subjects, such as ‘Life Management’, ‘US History’ and ‘Criminology’, which we would have never had the chance to take with the Spanish system. Furthermore, the live sessions have enabled us to meet many new people and have discussions on topics related to the courses. All four of us believe that, even though it is a decent workload, it is an interesting and recommendable experience and we are all very thankful to have been given this opportunity.